Dear Doctor Sexalewitz:
I am a young, single woman whose life is really suffering from shyness. Social situations seem so difficult for me and nobody really seems to understand. I come from a family where we’re all pretty much the same in that sense and it was never a problem. but now that I’m on my own and in another city, some friends have even suggested that I look for help and I feel offended!! Is there something wrong with me?
Dear Reader:
You don’t give much information regarding specific situations so I can have a better understanding of where you stand, but read on for a brief description of when shyness becomes something else… hope it helps!
Social anxiety disorder is a disruptive condition in which sufferers are overly concerned with public scrutiny. Numbers show that approximately 5.3 million Americans suffer from it in any given year. Sufferers of this disorder experience extreme worry about embarrassing themselves in front of others. Simply being around others can make them uncomfortable. If their fears become so impairing that they can’t talk on the phone, sign a check in front of a salesclear, use a public restroom, or they find dating or going to parties difficult and mostly avoid these situations, they have developed social phobia. Social anxiety disorder frequently runs in families and occurs more often in women than men. It also tends to being in childhood or early adolescence and commonly afflicts primarly fearful or shy individuals – although a person can be shy without being clinically socially anxious.
Shyness, on the other hand, is considered a normal and prevalent personality trait, a tendency towards fearfulness that’s influenced by genetics. It occurs naturally.
Studies show that the shy and those with social anxiety disorders can experience similar physical responses in social situations, but the degree of discomfort determines the diagnosis. If you have doubts about where you fit, consult a professional.
If you want a relationship and is really shy, try online dating web site,. You’ve got to know people without even seeing them at first. And when you are already going good with them, then this is the time to meet up and you will not be shy because you already know something about them.
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