Women are sensitive creatures, so launching yourself at her whilst holding a camera will not win you a recorded adult sex video with her. And if you think that making home movies of you two under the sheets is a distant dream, think again. Using a little strategic Prince Charming moves will make you bask in the desired outcome forever. Here are a few tips to help you make sure she doesn’t run away in terror.
If you really want to make kinky amateur adult sex videos regularly and not just a one off thing, then never evaluate each other’s performance. The only sure way to convince her to do it again is to be super sensitive.
No one can be more critical of a woman than she herself, and giving “constructive” accounts of her performance on film will never go well for you. The important thing to remember is everything that comes out of your mouth while watching the video footage must be of praise and admiration. If not, then shut your trap.
Make your favorite parts of the video known to her, how much it turns you on, and how sexy and gorgeous you think she is. She will be so flattered, she would want to give it another shot.
By far, the most essential element of the whole process is trust. She must know that she’s not going to be that girl with a facial shot that magically appeared in all of the guys’ cell phones in your city.
Your safest and easiest bet to prove you won’t turn her into a porn star in a fit of breakup rage is to let her keep the only copy of the recording. It’s 2012 and digital recordings are easier to share, so let her keep it and swear to keep it strictly between you even if the relationship hits an untimely demise.
If you want a huge pay off, you must put a little effort in it. This means a spiffy bedroom sans all the traces of food, animals or any other type of clutter that can be an eye sore. However disreputable your intentions are, you must never let her know. As far as she’s concerned, you are the most romantic man she has ever known, and thinks of no other woman but her.
Clean up, put in clean sheets and dim the lights. If you can take it, light some scented candles. Women love them, and will always do. If your place is just ghastly, book a hotel. Now that everything’s set up, you’re ready to shoot.
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